I don't see X offering, product or rate. Where is it?
There could be several reasons why you may not see an Offering:
- If you were in the Quoting experience and realized a Product/Rate/Offering is missing and you went to the catalog and added it yourself (assuming you have the right permissions) and you came back to the Quoting experience you may need to refresh your browser to see the newly added Product/Rate/Offering.
- Sometimes the MonetizeNow administrator may deactivate legacy Offering/Product/Rate as they could be outdated or to encourage migration to a newer version. Please check with your admin.
The price looks incorrect? How can I change it?
MonetizeNow allows for account-level pricing and discounts. While you should always confirm with your team before making these adjustments, following the video below for a quick instruction of adjusting pricing.
How do I structure a ramp?
Creating a ramp deal in MonetizeNow is as simple as selecting "Scheduled Change", selecting the date you would like the ramp to begin, and add the desired quantity. You can even stack ramps as much as you'd like. Check out the short video below for a quick visual demonstration.
How do I cancel a quote? What about a contract?
Cancelling a quote is as simple as clicking the cancel button in the top right of the quote page. See image below for direction. Note that MonetizeNow does not delete the quote to maintain best in class auditability and transparency.

Cancelling a contract is just as simple, however, requires the extra step of determining "when" you would like the contract to be cancelled. We allow you to cancel the contract from day one (fully cancelling the contract) or any other date you specify (partial cancelling). Billing will always adjust accordingly. Check out the short video below for a quick visual demonstration for a partial cancellation.
Is there a way to show the tiered pricing / pricing schedule in the Quote PDF?
Yes, you can do that using "Display in Pricing Section of PDF" option available for every priced line on the Quote.
To access this setting, position your cursor to the right of the price where a small window icon will appear upon hovering. You may then click on this icon to toggle the setting accordingly.

I manually accepted the Quote but forgot to attach the signed PDF. Can I do this now?
Unfortunately, this is not possible currently. However, you can go to the corresponding record in your CRM and add it there.
Is there a way to set an internal description for a Rate that is visible only to sales reps during Quoting and not to the external customer?
Yes, that is possible. See the image below.

Why was my Quote automatically canceled?
Quotes can be marked as Canceled for couple of reasons:
- Quotes will be automatically be marked as Canceled if another quote on the same Opportunity/Deal has been accepted by the prospect. This is to ensure data integrity and simplifying operations.
- If a quote surpasses its expiration date, it becomes expired. After 14 days of expiration, if the user does not proceed with it during that period, it is automatically marked as canceled.
Is there any way to reinstate an archived quote ?
An archived quote cannot be reinstated. However, "Copy Quote" functionality can be used which will replicate all the information on the archived quote and create a new quote.
Can I change the Net Terms for future invoices for an existing contract?
Net Terms is specified on the quote and as such part of the contractual agreement with the prospect. If later, Net Terms need to be modified for any reason, for data integrity reasons, you would need to amend the corresponding contract and update the Net Terms on the quote. If you do not want your customer to esign the amended contract, you can simply turn off the esign option on the amendment quote and manually accept the quote. This will ensure that the customer never receives an email about it. From this point onwards, all future invoices related to this contract will now use the updated Net Terms.
How do I mark by quote as Primary?
If there is only one quote attached to an Opportunity/Deal, that quote will be the Primary quote for that Opportunity/Deal. If there are multiple quotes attached to the Opportunity/Deal, the sales rep can choose another quote to be marked as Primary.

What happens when a quote expires?
Expired quotes move to Expired quote state. This way you can track quotes that were sent to the end customers but no action happened to them. The sales rep has an option to edit the quote, make any changes and resend it to the end customer. If however, no action is taken for 15 days, the quote then transitions into the Canceled State. If the quote represents a new business opportunity, Canceled quotes can be recreated.
How can I download a signed quote?
There are a couple of ways to do this:
- If you are esigner, then you can look for DocuSign email that you received upon completion and within that email there will be a link to download the signed document/quite.
- If you are not the esigner, you can go to the quote in MonetizeNow and look for "Preview PDF" and using that you can download the signed quote.
- If the quote was manually accepted and not esigned, the signed copy needs to be manually uploaded by the sales rep. If that was not done, then the signed quote cannot be retrieved from MonetizeNow.
Why did custom fields from the initial quote did not flow to the renewal quote?
Currently, custom fields are not carried over from the initial quote to the renewal quote.
At this time, the best way to manage this is by using the quote.processed
webhook event. Specifically,
- Listen to the
webhook event - If it is a renewal quote, you can fetch the initial quote
- Set the customFields on the renewal quote using
PUT /quotes/{quoteId}/customFields
Updated about 1 month ago