Creating Payment Methods via API

Often our customers want to create customer payment methods via the MonetizeNow API's in their own product as opposed to via the UI or via a MonetizeNow invoice. We fully support in two simple processes, depending on your desires.

Option 1: Directly via Stripe

  1. Send Payment information directly to Stripe via Stripe Elements
  2. Share this Payment information to MonetizeNow via POST /api/accounts/${accountId}/paymentMethods Full API details here

Option 2: Fully in MonetizeNow

  1. Check if a Stripe customer already exists
    GET /api/accounts/${accountId}/paymentGateways/${gatewayId}/gatewayAccount
  2. If not, create one,
    POST /api/accounts/${accountId}/paymentGateways/${gatewayId}/gatewayAccount
    This returns a gatewayAccountId that is specific to that Stripe customer and looks like cus_PY9p1v12wEo
  3. Create a Stripe setup intent
    POST /api/paymentGateways/${gatewayId}/gatewayAccounts/${gatewayAccountId}/setupIntent
  4. Get the Stripe client secret
    GET /api/paymentGateways/${gatewayId}/gatewayAccounts/${gatewayAccountId}/clientSecret
  5. Render the Stripe payment UI for secure payment information capture
    1. We pass in the client secret to initialize the Stripe UI
  6. Save payment method
    POST /api/accounts/${accountId}/paymentMethods